Open Systems Laboratory at Illinois

Formal methods for actor systems: a progress report

By Gul Agha. In FORTE, volume C-10 of IFIP Transactions, 217–228. North-Holland, 1992.


    author = "Agha, Gul",
    editor = "Diaz, Michel and Groz, Roland",
    title = "Formal methods for Actor systems: A progress report",
    booktitle = "FORTE",
    crossref = "conf/forte/1992",
    keywords = "formal methods",
    pages = "217-228",
    year = "1992",

@proceedings{conf/forte/1992, editor = "Diaz, Michel and Groz, Roland", title = "Formal Description Techniques, V, Proceedings of the IFIP TC6/WG6.1 Fifth International Conference on Formal Description Techniques for Distributed Systems and Communication Protocols, FORTE '92, Perros-Guirec, France, 13-16 October 1992", isbn = "0-444-89282-6", publisher = "North-Holland", series = "IFIP Transactions", volume = "C-10", year = "1993", }