jCUTE: A Test Generator for Java Programs Using Concolic Execution =================================================================== The Java Concolic Unit Testing Engine (jCUTE) automatically generates unit tests for Java programs. Concolic execution combines randomized _conc_rete execution with symb_olic_ execution and automatic constraint solving. Symbolic execution allows jCUTE to discern inputs that lead down different execution paths; randomized concrete execution helps it overcome limitations of the constraint solver, like the inability to analyze system calls or solve general systems of non-linear equations. Through this combination, jCUTE is able to generate test cases that execute _many_ differente execution paths in _real_ Java programs. jCUTE supports multi-threaded programs. It can discover race conditions and deadlocks through schedule randomization. The jCUTE homepage is http://osl.cs.illinois.edu/software/jcute/ Publications ------------ * Koushik Sen and Gul Agha. A race-detection and flipping algorithm for automated testing of multi-threaded programs. In Haifa Verification Conference, volume 4383 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 166–182. Springer, 2006. * Koushik Sen and Gul Agha. CUTE and jCUTE: concolic unit testing and explicit path model-checking tools. In CAV, volume 4144 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 419–423. Springer, 2006. * Koushik Sen, Darko Marinov, and Gul Agha. CUTE: a concolic unit testing engine for C. In ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE, 263–272. ACM, 2005. * Patrice Godefroid, Nils Klarlund, and Koushik Sen. DART: directed automated random testing. In PLDI, 213–223. ACM, 2005. Installation ------------ jCUTE requires an installed and working Java Development Kit (JDK) version 1.4 or later. To run jCUTE on a 32-bit system: * Download the binary distribution from http://osl.cs.illinois.edu/software/jcute/ * Unzip the archive file. * On Linux, run the `setup` script. Then execute the `jcutegui` script. * On Windows, run the `jcutegui.bat` batch file. ### Compiling the Constraint Solving Library on Linux jCUTE uses the `lp_solve` linear programming library for constraint solving. It comes with pre-compiled 32-bit versions of this C library which it accesses via the Java Native Interface (JNI). However, the library and the wrapper were compiled against old standard libraries (`libstdc++5.so`) that are no longer available on modern Linux systems. A potential solution for this is to install an old 32-bit Linux image into a virtual machine for running jCUTE in it. Another solution is to compile the libraries on one's system. #### Compiling lp_solve * Download `lp_solve_5.1_source.tar.gz` from http://sourceforge.net/projects/lpsolve/files/lpsolve/ * Unzip the archive into a temporary directory. * Change into the `lp_solve_5.1/lpsolve51/` sub-directory. * Build `liblpsolve51.so` by executing `sh ccc`. * Copy `liblpsolve51.so` into the jCUTE root directory. #### Compiling the lp_solve Java Wrapper * Download the Java wrapper source code archive `lp_solve_5.1_java.zip` from http://optimum2.mii.lt/lp2jdk/ * Unzip the archive into a temporary directory. * Change to the `lib/linux/` directory and edit the file `build`: - Set the `LPSOLVE_DIR` variable to the path that contains `lp_lib.h`; this should be the `lp_solve_5.1/` directory from above. - Tell the linker where to find `liblpsolve51.so` by adding the command line option `-L/path/to/containing/dir/` to the second `g++` invocation in the `build` file. Replace `/path/to/containing/dir` with the path containing `liblpsolve51.so`. - Set the `JDK_DIR` variable to your JDK root directory, for example `/opt/java6/` on Arch Linux. * Run `sh build` to build `liblpsolve51j.so`. * Copy `liblpsolve51j.so` into the jCUTE root directory. ### 64-bit Systems The `lp_solve` library compiles and appears to work fine on 64-bit systems. License ------- The jCUTE software is NOT in the public domain. However, it is freely available without fee for education, research, and non-profit purposes as described in the `LICENSE` file. The third-party libraries used by jCUTE are licensed as described in their license files. History ------- jCUTE was designed and implemented by Koushik Sen around 2006.