Open Systems Laboratory at Illinois

Computational complexity of predicting some properties of large-scale agent ensembles' dynamical evolution

By Predrag T. Tosic and Gul A. Agha. In EUMAS, 415–426. Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belie voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten, 2005.


    author = "Tosic, Predrag T. and Agha, Gul A.",
    editor = "Gleizes, Marie Pierre and Kaminka, Gal A. and Nowé, Ann
              and Ossowski, Sascha and Tuyls, Karl and Verbeeck, Katja",
    title = "Computational Complexity of Predicting Some Properties of
             Large-Scale Agent Ensembles' Dynamical Evolution",
    booktitle = "EUMAS",
    crossref = "conf/eumas/2005",
    pages = "415-426",
    year = "2005",

@proceedings{conf/eumas/2005, editor = "Gleizes, Marie Pierre and Kaminka, Gal A. and Nowé, Ann and Ossowski, Sascha and Tuyls, Karl and Verbeeck, Katja", title = "EUMAS 2005 - Proceedings of the Third European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems, Brussels, Belgium, December 7-8, 2005", publisher = "Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belie voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten", year = "2005", }