Open Systems Laboratory at Illinois

Reassert: suggesting repairs for broken unit tests

By Brett Daniel, Vilas Jagannath, Danny Dig, and Darko Marinov. In ASE, 433–444. IEEE Computer Society, 2009.

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    author = "Daniel, Brett and Jagannath, Vilas and Dig, Danny and
              Marinov, Darko",
    title = "ReAssert: Suggesting Repairs for Broken Unit Tests",
    booktitle = "ASE",
    crossref = "conf/kbse/2009",
    ee = "",
    keywords = "software engineering",
    pages = "433-444",
    year = "2009",

    title = "ASE 2009, 24th IEEE/ACM International Conference on
             Automated Software Engineering, Auckland, New Zealand, November
             16-20, 2009",
    isbn = "978-0-7695-3891-4",
    publisher = "IEEE Computer Society",
    year = "2009",